First, we need to make sure that you know what "aging" means. An organism becomes increasingly prone to illness and senility as its age increases. Even though aging is unavoidable, many of the degenerative changes that occur beyond middle age can be avoided with preventive measures, and one of these measures is definitely your "diet".
Debilitating illnesses like osteoporosis, diabetes, and heart disease can all be avoided or at least slowed down with appropriate nutrition. Actually, between one-third and fifty percent of the health issues that affect adults over 65 have to do with nutrition.
In this article, you will know what are the best superfoods and nutrient elements that make you look younger.
1. Spinach
2. Avocados
Not only are avocados rich in vitamin E, but they are also loaded with beneficial monounsaturated fats that together support healthy, glowing skin and shiny hair. Avocados are also high in folate, which keeps homocysteine (a harsh protein) levels down, and if homocysteine is able to accumulate in the body it can cause tissue damage. Avocados can also be used topically as a face-tightening mask to relieve dry, itchy skin, psoriasis, and eczema. For many centuries, this amazing fruit has been used as an anti-aging agent.
Avocados are known for their monounsaturated fat and Vitamin E content, which supports healthy, bright skin and lustrous hair. Another major nutrient in avocados is folate, which lowers levels of homocysteine (a harsh protein), This homocysteine can harm tissues if it builds up in the body. Besides that, avocados can be applied topically as a face-tightening mask to soothe eczema, psoriasis, and dry, irritated skin. This remarkable fruit has been used as an anti-aging remedy for many decades.
Unsplash/Gil Ndjouwou |
3. Mushrooms
recently, some research studies have shown that it is definitely the highest source of both antioxidants, ergothioneine (ERGO) and glutathione (GSH). both of which have been investigated for their abilities to delay ageing and improve health.
When food is oxidized it produces energy but there are also a number of free radicals that are produced that side products of the action and many of these are quite toxic. While the body has mechanisms to control most of them, including ergothioneine and glutathione, researchers at the University of Bristol are studying how this might affect human health.
Unsplash/ Thanh Soledas |
4. Lemon water
you will be surprised if you know that a simple thing like lemon water has many ways to fight your anti-aging thanks to its Vitamin C content. The latter vitamin has a positive influence on collagen produced by the body which keeps your skin intact and tissues intact. Besides being antiaging, it has wonderful properties that will make you drink some of it right now!
Lemon water can reduce your car absorption, moreover, maintain a healthy liver as lemon water maintain liver enzyme production. Last but not least, Vitamin C boosts your body's immunity.
Unsplash/Claudia Soares |
5. Carrots
In addition to being great for your eyes, carrots are also terrific for supple skin. Carotenoids, which are present in carrots, protect you from common contaminants and can help prevent wrinkles. Carrots contain the skin-friendly nutrient beta carotene, which is converted to vitamin A within the body and can shield your skin from the sun's damaging rays.
Another great gain from Carrots is that it has an abundance amount of potassium, if you don't know, potassium deficiency has a series of effects on the skin and can be shown as dry. Carrots, however, prevent this dryness as well as moisturize your skin.
Unsplash/Jonathan Pielmayer |
1. Uwa, Livinus Miracle. "The anti-aging efficacy of antioxidants." Curr Trends Biomed. Eng Biosci 7.4 (2017): 2-4.
2. Pal, Mahendra. "Lemon: A versatile fruit of multiple uses." Agriculture World 3 (2017): 52-54.
3. Taofiq, Oludemi, et al. "Development of mushroom-based cosmeceutical formulations with anti-inflammatory, anti-tyrosinase, antioxidant, and antibacterial properties." Molecules 21.10 (2016): 1372.
4. Lister, I. N., et al. "Anti-Aging Effectiveness of Avocado Peel Extract Ointment (Persea Americana Mill.) against Hydration, Collagen, and Elasticity Levels in Wistar Rat." Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International (2021): 173-84.