Because it undergoes relatively little refining, white tea is regarded as one of the most delicate tea kinds. White tea, as the name suggests, is picked before the leaves of the tea plant fully unfold and while the immature buds are still coated in tiny white hairs.
Does White Tea Have Caffeine?
Indeed, White Tea contains caffeine. With approximately 15 to 30 mg of caffeine per eight-ounce, this kind of tea contains the least amount of caffeine of any tea. White tea, according to experts, has 15% less caffeine than typical green tea.
But the content of Caffeine can be different according to several factors such as the grading of the plant, the temperature used in the method of extraction and processing, and finally the time of tea steeping.
Other types of Teas and their caffeine content:
The highest caffeine content compared to the other types of Teas can be seen in Black Tea with 45 to 70 milligrams per eight-ounce serving
In second place comes Green Tea with a caffeine content of 30-45 milligrams per eight-ounce serving. From the numbers, Gren Tea is considered a milder stimulus than Black tea. Hence, Green Tea is a wonderful option for you if you want to considerably limit your caffeine intake but don't want to entirely give it up.
Another interesting type of Tea is Oolong Tea. It is a popular Chinese Tea. With 37 to 55 mg of caffeine per eight-ounce drink, it has a caffeine profile that falls between that of black tea and green tea. The experts say that it is the most healthy type of Tea, as it can help improve metabolism and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, according to experts.